Titus Israel turns 1!

We celebrated our baby’s first birthday at home with our family.  We went to a church Christmas party in the afternoon, which was nice, and then after getting home at around 6pm, our little family party began. 

Earlier in the day, the boys helped us wrap some presents for Ty.  The boys were very excited to watch Ty open presents for the first time in his life!  We ate cupcakes first and really had a good laugh watching Ty devour his first sugary treat.  Then, we took pictures and Ty opened his presents.  After a while, Ty was so tired so we put him down for bed.  Israel had started this family tradition where everyone sleeps in the same room together when it’s someone’s birthday.  Our room was too cold for them, so we let the two older boys sleep in the living room together.  Israel and I joined them when we were ready for bed.  We all stayed nice and toasty from our wood stove.  We weren’t able to do anything super-special, but we had a memorable time together.

Ty wondering why he was never allowed to taste anything so good before!

Opening presents.

No more newborns in this house!  Just 3 little boys.  🙂

Since Ty was born, the Christmas season has become even more meaningful.  I’m thankful that Jesus gave me a perpetual reminder, through Ty’s birth, of the sacrifice Heaven made for us.  Over 2,000 years ago, another Baby was born to us and this birth is even more significant to me than my own sons’.  It is my prayer that I not only remember Ty’s birthday, but that Christ is continually reborn in my heart.