The Weather Outside is Frightful

I don’t think I’m a lazy person.  And I do think it’s “easy” for moms to be lazy.  There is just a ridiculous list of responsibilities that a stay-at-home mom has every day.  You got to be cook, maid, bathroom aide, wardrobe provider/stylist, barber, counselor & judge, librarian, chauffeur, nurse, playmate, a cow, and the one that encompasses them all, Mother.  Deciding to not wear one of those hats on any given day is easier done than said!  But in our daily struggles to stay motivated, God is always teaching us to overcome, to never settle, but to come up higher.  This is what I love about Him. 

In God’s Country, we have lots of snow, and I am not fond of letting the boys go outside to play.  It’s not so much that I’m afraid they will fall through a crevasse in the snow nor the fact that a coyote might come and steal them, although these two things are legitimate concerns.  It just takes way too much time and effort to get them bundled to go out.  Let me explain the grind:

– First, they would need to relieve themselves.  There is no way I am dressing them all up, if after 10 minutes, I have to peel it off for a potty break, and then dress them again…and then mop the house.
– Get dressed :  My kids are in PJs all day and night unless we go out.  And when we do, Micah insists on dressing himself, and he prides himself in putting everything on backwards and/or inside out.  From choosing an outfit to making the boys happy by having them match, it could take a while.
– Extra pair of long socks :  Whatever pants they are wearing gets tucked into the socks.
– Snow pants :  This is a water-proofing, snow-proofing necessity.
– Winter Boots :  These are high-tops and water-proof and they must fit a foot with double socks.  The boots should secure the tucked in pants from slipping out of the socks.  The inner layer of the snow pants with the rubber seam fits snugly over the boots.
– Winter Mittens :  We prefer mittens over gloves because they are much warmer.  Do you know how many times I need to readjust the mittens before getting their thumbs in the right slot?  
– Winter Coat :  This water-proof, insulated coat is hooded, zipped & buttoned, and the cinchable cuff velcro and wrap over mittens to hold them in place.
– Winter Hat/Scarf/Mask :  Regardless of what accessories we dress the boys in, they insist on matching…so we are often scrounging through our glove/mitten/hat/scarf tub.  If they decide to wear hats, they must also wear scarves.  If they go for their masks, then this is sufficient.  Their coat hoods go over their hats.
– Optional additions depending on how severe the weather and/or ezcema :  vasoline for their face, extra long johns under their clothes, and/or double mittens/gloves.

You think I’m ridiculous?  If a step is skipped, after one snow angel, we will hear complaints of being wet or cold.  With all that said, during the past few winters in the Great North, the times I’ve let the boys play in the snow are few and far between.  But I’m hoping this year will be different. 

I’m reading through Child Guidance again, and last week, I read the chapters called “The Book of Nature” and “Lessons from Nature”.  I should have known that I’d better get ready to make some changes.  Here are some points that spoke to me:

“The whole natural world is designed to be an interpreter of the things of God.”

“In the natural world God has placed in the hands of the children of men the key to unlock the treasure house of His Word.”

“The heart not yet hardened by contact with evil is quick to recognize the Presence that pervades all living things.  The ear as yet undulled by the world’s clamor is attentive to the Voice that speaks through nature’s utterances.”

” The glory of God is displayed in His handiwork.  Here are the mysteries that the mind will become strong in searching out.”

“Let the children learn to see in nature an expression of the love and the wisdom of God; …and all the events of life be a means of divine teaching.”

“Mothers…should not be so engrossed with the artificial and burdened with care that they cannot have time to educate their children from God’s great book of nature….  The character of God they may discern in His created works.”

These thoughts are remarkable.  We can trace every blade of grass, bird, animal, and tree that we see today back to the Garden of Eden where God spoke their original ancestor into existence.  Nature is a visible, tangible, audible link that we still have with our Creator.  Adam and Eve studied the mysteries of creation to learn more of God.  He still uses His creation to help us understand the character of God and His Word…even more so with children.  It will cause our minds to be strong.  It will teach us His wisdom.  It will cause us to hate sin.  It will make us love Him.  They are gifts!  And I shouldn’t be so engrossed with the artificial (indoors) and burdened with care that I don’t take my boys outside! 

I think it’s incredible how, despite all of the other burdens we carry, Jesus loves our children so much, that He doesn’t let up on us parents.  And being a Christian is a challenging journey.  There is always something new to learn and incorporate in our lives.  It also reminds me that time is running out.  We don’t have time to get comfortable.  Our children are growing before our very eyes, and the Lord is getting ready to return.  If taking an extra hour to take my boys outside will help them know Jesus more, I’m thinking it’s worth it.  Perhaps, I could just lose my mop hat altogether…or maybe I can just give it to Israel. 

Micah Turns 3!

The last day Micah was a 2 year old. 

Ty demonstrating his flexibility.

The next morning…

Micah’s birthday sign hand-made by Harabuhgee (…last year)! 

Surprise Breakfast!  Vegan Green Eggs & Ham!  He liked it, he liked it, Sam I Am!

The Birthday Boy himself!  We also checked out a few birthday books from the library that we read together.

New PJs and animal masks!  Imanuel used his $5 to buy Micah a jungle animal toy set, a rubber snake, and a plastic dinosaur – Micah insists it’s an alligator.

Micah’s birthday cake made by Grandma Helen!  It was our favorite cake ever!

Blowing out 3 candles!

Wonderful church family who came over for dinner:
Uncle Daniel, Grandma Helen, Great-Grandma Margie, Grandpa Mark, & Grandma Karen

Micah was so happy that day.    Thank you, everyone, for the calls, emails, gifts, cards, and for just thinking about him.  It means so much to us and our family!   

Making it Count

It always irked me to a certain degree when I saw over-indulgent parents.  I’m not sure if it was because I was so “not-indulged” as a kid.  But, you know, when you see the little girl in a fluffy, princess dress, wearing a birthday tiara, nearly lifted off of the floor with birthday balloons, and her parents are offering to buy her up to half of Walmart? – I just couldn’t do it.

I tend to swing to the other extreme.  I’m pretty cheap when it comes to spending on my boys.  Second or third-hand clothes are more than welcome here.  I notice that I almost pride myself in hardly spending anything on them.  After all, they’re just kids!  They are not going to run my house, let alone determine any important life decisions.

But this morning, I read about another set of parents who were willing to do anything for their child. 

Talking about the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth:

“John was the son of their old age, he was a child of miracle, and the parents might have reasoned that he had a special work to do for the Lord and the Lord would take care of him.  But the parents did not thus reason; they moved to a retired place in the country, where their son would not be exposed to the temptations of city life, or induced to depart from the counsel and instruction which they as parents would give him…. They acted their part in developing a character in the child that would in every way meet the purpose for which God had designed his life…. They sacredly fulfilled their obligation…. ”  CG 23.

Here is an example of parents “living” for their son.  Allowing their child to dictate major life decisions.  Doing anything to protect their child.  Apparently waiting on their child, hand and foot.  Have a backbone please!  Exactly the kind of thing that would bother me, right? 

What struck me in a profound way, is that I realized the difference between sacrificing all for personal motives and sacrificing all for Christ’s will to be done in the lives of our children.  There is no hint of indulgence in this scenario.  Rather, complete dedication, earnestness, and love towards a Cause greater than themselves.  They gave all their human effort in raising their son to fulfill God’s special plan for his life.  Nothing was taken for granted.  And ultimately, this IS the perfect expression of love for their son.  This is what I want.     

So, I’ve decided to spend more.  But I want to make it count.  I want to be willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that we are on that narrow path – whether it be to move, stay, change jobs, cancel appointments, risk embarrassment and ridicule, buy that $500 Christian book set, and yes, even change who I am.  It’s a radical thought.  It sounds irresponsible.  But I’m glad that Jesus is on my side every step of the way.  This is His ingenious way of saving us and our children.  And at the end when the Lord comes in the clouds of glory and we are standing on that day with our children, I know I will be among them that humbly exclaim that Heaven is cheap enough.     

Snippets of the Life of Ty

                                                TY AND BEANS

Ty is now eating more table food, but still with no salt or seasoning.  He loves cereal, fruit, rice, corn, and beans.  He now has 8 visible teeth.  He loves to give cheesy smiles which I believe evolved from Auntie Amy’s “viejita” face.  This started after we got back from Virginia.  Amy, if Ty has wrinkles around his nose by age 12, I will totally and completely hold you responsible! 

                                          TY AND BENTLEY

Bentley has become such a patient dog.  Ty has a fascination with hitting Bentley repeatedly on his face despite efforts to teach him be gentle.  Bentley still insists on sitting next to him.  What a lesson on patience, love, and forgiveness!  We think Bentley is the best dog in the whole world.  As you can see in this clip, Ty is definitely showing improvement.

                                           TY STANDS UP

He is yet to crawl.  He still scoots on his belly to get where he wants to go.  We always felt that Bentley played an instrumental role in teaching the two older boys how to crawl.  Ty seems to have picked up other behavior from Bentley.  His brothers have been great at making sure Ty stays in the safe areas.  When Ty begins creeping out of the living room, Manu will promptly grab Ty’s feet and drag him back to safety.  Micah resorts to yelling for me.  Either way, they are a great help during this time.  And in case this is the last time I can say this, Manu and Micah love to be with, take care of, and play with Ty.  We’re hoping and praying that their patience and tolerance will last forever.

Boys’ First Trip to the Dentist

A few weeks back on October 28, the two older boys went to see the dentist for the first time. Actually, Manu had a scheduled appointment, and they said they would leave a chair open in case Micah felt up to it too. A week prior, I had one of my biannual cleanings and I decided to bring Imanuel along so he could observe. The last few times I had gone to the dentist, he had begged for me to take him too, but this last time, I felt, was the time. He sat very quietly and patiently as he watched Marcia scrap and grind away all of my tartar and plaque build-up. It was intriguing for him to see Marcia water down my mouth with the water syringe and then watch “Mr. Thirsty” in action as he suctioned it all out. He couldn’t wait for his time!

So, I brought both boys to the appointment. It wouldn’t be for a cleaning, though. It was just to take x-rays and for the dentist to count and assess their teeth. According to the hygienist, both boys did a great job and the x-rays turned out very well. In other words, Micah shocked all of us by actually sitting very still! The dentist had a difficult time believing Micah was still 2. It was a proud moment. The boys’ teeth looked good. Manu’s jaw is a bit misaligned, but the dentist said we’d wait until his adult teeth come in to begin any correction. The best part for the boys was getting to pick out a prize from the Treasure Chest that is down the hall in the corner. They both chose matching “I <3 to Brush” bouncy balls.

Last week, we scheduled the boys’ first cleaning, but this time, we waited in the waiting room. We, meaning, the rest of the family. Israel and Ty decided to come too since it was Daddy’s day off. Manu went in first and 20 minutes later when he came back out with shiny teeth, a brand new toothbrush and a tiny plastic magnifying glass, Micah couldn’t wait for his turn! He grabbed Marcia’s hand and marched through that door. I saw Marcia and the desk lady glance at each other with big grins. Micah came back about 20 minutes later as well with sparkly teeth, a new toothbrush, and of course, a tiny plastic magnifying glass from the Treasure Chest. Marcia said both of them did very well. When I asked the boys how they did, Manu reported that he “obeyed everything she said AND remembered to say ‘thank you’ at the end”. Micah said that he opened his mouth really wide for her and listened to her. He admitted that forgot to say thank you, but he did ask for lots of water to drink. He said he asked her “for another cup and another cup and another cup!” and then he cracked himself up. I was sure to let him know not to do that next time.

Here are some pics from that first visit to Dr. Richard’s office:

Dr. Richards liked Micah’s outfit. 🙂

He and his wife both went there.

The boys and their dentist, Dr. Richards. He is seriously so nice. Must be a UM thing.

Happy boys who love the dentist!