Adventures in the Shenandoah Valley

This past week, our family took a road trip to Virginia for SVA’s fall week of prayer.  From our home, it was a total of nearly 17 hours of just driving time.  So, for us, it was more like 20 hours counting fill-ups, eating, nursing, and potty stops.  It was a beautiful drive, though, and thankfully, the boys did great.  It was also nice that our parents live about halfway so we we’re able to take a pit stop there. 

Jen is an amazing teacher at SVA and so that’s how Israel got the invite to speak there.  We were so impressed by the beauty of not only Virginia, but also the campus!  It looked more like a mini-college campus.  The teachers and kids were great too!  For the weekend, Amy came over from UVA to hang out with us and we had lots of good conversation, relaxation, and fun.  It was one of those trips that reminded us of the blessing of true Christian friendship.  We’re going to miss you girls!

The boys really loved it there.  Jen lives just a couple of houses down from the school so we spent lots of time outside walking.  The neighbors let the boys play with their toys so Manu and Micah rode on their tricycle and drove their mini John Deere tractor around.  During this trip, Ty’s creeping has improved in both speed and form.  He enjoyed pulling Jen’s books out from her bookshelf and finding particles on the floor and putting them in his mouth.  And how could I forget…we all got acquainted with how to play the nose flute.  (It is a legit instrument…you should google it!)  Manu and Daddy are getting to be quite good.  A nice man from church gave each of the older boys a nose flute, complete with instructions on how to play.  We learned an important lesson that wasn’t included in the instructions:  No one should attempt to play the nose flute with a runny nose.   
The last couple of days we spent outside in nature.  The girls took us to an overlook that was breathtaking.  And, our trip wouldn’t have been complete without a meal at a Thai restaurant.  The three of us girls were able to spend some good quality time hanging out and having fun while Israel spent some hours in Jen’s room finding his roots.  But we may all be adopting “his” culture too.  It’s just a matter of making that commitment. 

What topped this trip off was that Ty learned to speak his first sentence!  He was getting quite fluent at saying, “mamamamama” but in the car he actually learned how to say “more mama”.  He said it several times when he wanted more food.  It was right at his 9 month birthday which makes his speech development a Ramos record!

We have a lot to remember…

Playing on campus

Discovering the “Gum Tree”…and learning that, tempting though it may be, it is NOT okay to take a piece of gum from it.

Meeting up with Auntie Amy at the school sign

The founder/history of SVA

A female praying mantis that we found on the window of the ad building!

In front of Jen’s house on Sabbath morning getting ready to walk to church

Daddy & his boys.  Manu is practicing the nose flute in this picture.

An evening stop with the girls at a local favorite while Israel was putting the boys down for bed.

Hanging at Jen’s place

Auntie Amy, Micah, Manu, and some animal friends

The leaves starting to change!

On the way to the lookout

A short stop for a wilderness survival lesson from Miss Song:  How to whistle using an acorn cap.

Daddy & Micah at the lookout

Ty wondering where the view is

Overall, God truly blessed our trip.  Students made decisions for the Lord, we had a blast spending time with friends, the weather was perfect, and the landscape just beautiful.  We couldn’t ask for anything more!  (Except for maybe some new brake pads…)

Thank you so much, Jen and Amy, for everything!  God bless you both there in Virginia and continue to be a light in your schools.  You are amazing women!