Titus at 9 months!

Since Ty was born, he’s kind of been my neglected child.  Most of my time and energy seems to be focused on making sure Manu and Micah are getting along.  But he has been so laid back!  I’m not sure if I can attribute Ty’s chill personality to God answering my prayers or because he’s just so used to being left alone and has learned to be content.  It really boggles my mind.  I think the Lord knew that if Ty wasn’t an easy baby, I’d lose my mind.  So, I’m very thankful that the Lord gives each of us only what we are able to handle.  Definitely an act of grace.

He sleeps so much and so well.  He takes about 3 naps during the day and he goes to bed around 7pm.  Unless something is really bothering him, I just lay him down and he goes right to sleep.  Every morning at around 8am, he wakes up to his 2 big brothers climbing into the crib with him and bringing in all sorts of toys and stuffed animals.  They all sleep in the same bedroom…and they love it.  I know he’s probably starving, but he just plays with his brothers until I come in to get him at around 8:30-9am. 

Ty rarely cries.  When he does, after about 10 seconds, he’ll just pop his left thumb in his mouth and lay down wherever he is.  Sometimes I probably take advantage of this because at times when I’m supposed to feed him, I’ll end up leaving him in his highchair or on the ground with toys for sometimes up to an hour as I frantically finish up other chores or things to do.  He just waits patiently.  The good thing is that he has finally learned how to pick things up with his fingers so he can eat some cereal while he waits.

Ty eats anything.  He has never not finished a container of baby food and he has never rejected anything that was given him.  Once I decided to blend up some fruit for him to mix in with his rice cereal.  We had an old plum in the fridge that needed to be eaten, so I got that.  When I cut it in half, it was kind of brown and translucent inside, but it didn’t look rotten or anything.  So, I pitted it and blended it up and fed it to Ty.  (I know, I don’t know what I was thinking.)  He made a few faces and I assumed it was because it was sour.  But he kept eating and eating…not excitedly, – he’s never been super-excited about eating food – but faithfully, as opened up his mouth when the spoon came near.  I decided to taste some.  It was the nastiest, sour/bitter-tasting plum ever.  It was probably as good as rotten.  I actually apologized to Ty for feeding it to him.  But I just can’t believe that he is just so laid back!   

Ty is growing so nicely.  At his last doctor’s visit, both his length and height were in the similar percentile- in the 90’s, and his head was quite small.  I think it was like in the 45th percentile.  That has been unique for us since the other two boys had fairly large heads or at least heads in proportion to their bodies.  It makes Ty look like a mini person.  He is squirming around on his belly to get around now.  He can get up on all fours and take one lunge, but then he plops onto his belly and scoots to get to his actual destination. 

Sometimes he baby-talks, but usually Ty is quiet.  There have been times when we thought he was mimicking one of us, but it’s kind of hard to tell if it is just a coincidence.  He loves calling for me…especially when he’s hungry.  And he’ll copy me when I ask him to say, “more, mama”.  He is so sweet. 

He is very cuddly and loves to be held.  Manu and Micah always try to make him laugh mainly by tickling him.  Ty has a pretty good poker face, but when he smiles, it’s contagious.  With 6 crooked, gapped teeth, his smile closely resembles an old farmer who lost some teeth and never saw an orthodontist. 

At times, I wish he could stay like this forever!  But my curiosity is just too strong to know just what kind of boy Ty will become and how his personality will fit into our family. 

Here’s a short video we made of Ty at 9 months. 

I’ll Never Be the Same

I think in many mothers’ experience, there comes a point, post-partum, where we say enough is enough. Our newborns are no longer newborns. In fact, many of our “newborns” are crawling – nearly walking! And we recognize that we still have that extra baby-fat hanging on for dear life, anywhere and everywhere we least desire. Well, I got to that point after each of my babies, but after Ty, I made a decision that I would indeed reach my pre-pregnancy weight and be that athletic, fit girl that I used to be in college.

Late this morning, I had the privilege of going for a run. I need every opportunity I can get to burn extra calories! I nearly fainted by the time I got back, but I survived. When I got back in, I went in the bathroom to wash up. Every so often, before jumping in the shower, I take some time to gauge how much progress I’ve made on recovering the shape of my body. This is one incredible entitlement that mothers get to experience. Within a fairly short timespan, you get to see your body grow and change with the knowledge that a life is growing inside you. After you give birth, that bulge is gone, but your body takes a while to slowly shrink back to a normalized state. (I know, it doesn’t sound pretty…and it really isn’t.)

As I was standing in front of the mirror, the sunlight from the window was shining on me in such a way that I nearly gasped. I knew I had stretch marks, (especially after carrying Micah), but what I was staring at in disbelief through the mirror was something else! These marks were so ugly! I never did really care about my them before. Thoughts ran through my mind. Forget about the marks, what if the loose hanging skin never goes away?! It is very possible…especially after 3 fairly large babies. How embarrassing this would be if anyone would see this! And that 6 inch horizontal keloidal scar on my lower abdomen…I felt like I could star in some sort of Frankenstein film.

Momentarily, I thought about different options:  Maybe I should get lotions/creams to minimize the appearance of my stretch marks and scars…Maybe if I built enough muscle there — I’m doing sit-ups everyday!…I just need some plastic surgery!

I immediately realized how silly I was sounding in my own head and I was brought back to reality as I wondered why I cared so much about it. I jumped into the shower…and began to think.

I was reminded of Jesus and how much His body had to endure. If we believe that He forever enjoined Himself to the human family, it would be silly to think that when He ascended to Heaven, He changed back to exactly how He was before. He not only has scars. His body is not the same. There were consequences for His decision to come down to earth and save us. I don’t believe Jesus ever looks upon His body with shame or remorse. In fact, based on my limited knowledge of my Savior, I can imagine that Christ looks at His now imperfect body with a sense of joy…a sense of hope. His suffering bought the price of the entire human race. For Jesus, it was more than worth it.

My emotions suddenly shifted as I felt so honored to have just a taste of Christ’s experience. It seemed so selfish for me to view my body with such disgust. After all, it was to give life to my greatest treasures. It was a privilege that Jesus didn’t have to give me. And I too, will never be the same. I smiled to myself as I considered this: With my scars, I gave my boys life. With Jesus’s scars, He gave my boys life eternal. If Jesus is keeping His, I want to keep mine.

From that point on, I began to view my scars in a different light. Yes, they will be a reminder of the privilege of motherhood. But they will be much more now. They will be scars of hope, that together with the scars of Jesus, my boys will not have been born in vain.

“But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.” 1 Peter 4:13

Adventures in the Shenandoah Valley

This past week, our family took a road trip to Virginia for SVA’s fall week of prayer.  From our home, it was a total of nearly 17 hours of just driving time.  So, for us, it was more like 20 hours counting fill-ups, eating, nursing, and potty stops.  It was a beautiful drive, though, and thankfully, the boys did great.  It was also nice that our parents live about halfway so we we’re able to take a pit stop there. 

Jen is an amazing teacher at SVA and so that’s how Israel got the invite to speak there.  We were so impressed by the beauty of not only Virginia, but also the campus!  It looked more like a mini-college campus.  The teachers and kids were great too!  For the weekend, Amy came over from UVA to hang out with us and we had lots of good conversation, relaxation, and fun.  It was one of those trips that reminded us of the blessing of true Christian friendship.  We’re going to miss you girls!

The boys really loved it there.  Jen lives just a couple of houses down from the school so we spent lots of time outside walking.  The neighbors let the boys play with their toys so Manu and Micah rode on their tricycle and drove their mini John Deere tractor around.  During this trip, Ty’s creeping has improved in both speed and form.  He enjoyed pulling Jen’s books out from her bookshelf and finding particles on the floor and putting them in his mouth.  And how could I forget…we all got acquainted with how to play the nose flute.  (It is a legit instrument…you should google it!)  Manu and Daddy are getting to be quite good.  A nice man from church gave each of the older boys a nose flute, complete with instructions on how to play.  We learned an important lesson that wasn’t included in the instructions:  No one should attempt to play the nose flute with a runny nose.   
The last couple of days we spent outside in nature.  The girls took us to an overlook that was breathtaking.  And, our trip wouldn’t have been complete without a meal at a Thai restaurant.  The three of us girls were able to spend some good quality time hanging out and having fun while Israel spent some hours in Jen’s room finding his roots.  But we may all be adopting “his” culture too.  It’s just a matter of making that commitment. 

What topped this trip off was that Ty learned to speak his first sentence!  He was getting quite fluent at saying, “mamamamama” but in the car he actually learned how to say “more mama”.  He said it several times when he wanted more food.  It was right at his 9 month birthday which makes his speech development a Ramos record!

We have a lot to remember…

Playing on campus

Discovering the “Gum Tree”…and learning that, tempting though it may be, it is NOT okay to take a piece of gum from it.

Meeting up with Auntie Amy at the school sign

The founder/history of SVA

A female praying mantis that we found on the window of the ad building!

In front of Jen’s house on Sabbath morning getting ready to walk to church

Daddy & his boys.  Manu is practicing the nose flute in this picture.

An evening stop with the girls at a local favorite while Israel was putting the boys down for bed.

Hanging at Jen’s place

Auntie Amy, Micah, Manu, and some animal friends

The leaves starting to change!

On the way to the lookout

A short stop for a wilderness survival lesson from Miss Song:  How to whistle using an acorn cap.

Daddy & Micah at the lookout

Ty wondering where the view is

Overall, God truly blessed our trip.  Students made decisions for the Lord, we had a blast spending time with friends, the weather was perfect, and the landscape just beautiful.  We couldn’t ask for anything more!  (Except for maybe some new brake pads…)

Thank you so much, Jen and Amy, for everything!  God bless you both there in Virginia and continue to be a light in your schools.  You are amazing women!

Golf, Our New Family Sport

My parents, in recent years, fell in love with the game of golf. Not only have they excelled in it themselves, they have taken the time and effort to teach us (-as in every member of our family-) this sport that we’re learning to appreciate.

During our most recent trip downstate, Dad took us all to the range. The boys were able to break in their new golf clubs that their harabuhgee handcrafted for them.

Here is a short video from that trip:

The Case of the Forgotten Wallet


Last week, I was downstate at my parents’ place before Steph & Jeff’s wedding and before we road-tripped it to the lovely Shenandoah region. (Israel is the speaker for SVA’s fall week of prayer…it’s really beautiful here!!) My little brother came over to hang especially since our sister, Julie, was moving to Guam soon. Well, to make a long story shorter, we ate, slept, golfed, and played my parents’ favorite card game called “hula”. Now, our family typically doesn’t promote the habit of gambling however, between family, gamble is what we do. Most of us see it as an opportunity to help each other financially…as this story will prove.

The Case of the Forgotten Wallet

Last Friday, Julie’s flight to Cali was early in the morning. I was going to take her and Justin so graciously let me drive his car…since he didn’t have to work until later. My sister and I left at about 6am while everyone else was still sleeping. (Although she did wake everyone up to say bye.) I drove her there and then headed home. What I didn’t realize was how much construction was going on on the way home! The ramp from 94 to 275 was closed. But I must have missed the sign because next thing I knew I was beginning to see signs for Ann Arbor exits! With no phone and no GPS, I ended up taking the unabridged scenic route home. Not only that, but I was panicking because I didn’t want to make Jutin late for work since I was driving his car. By the time I got home, the gas was also running low, but the good news was that Justin was still sleeping. I woke him up and he rushed off to work.

Later that day, I received a phone call from Justin. He went to the gas station to fill up gas, when he realized he didn’t have his wallet! He had left it at my parents’ house! When I asked him what he did, he shared how he still had his hula earnings (in cash money…that’s how we roll) in his pocket so he was able to pay for some gas. Good thing! Well, I found his wallet at home and stuck it in my bag so I would have it the next time we met up.

On Saturday evening, I was talking to my sister on the phone and I decided to drop by Target to get a few items. The boys were in bed already and so I took my dad’s car and headed over. The number one item on my list was sweets to give my boys as an incentive to do well at the wedding. Then I wanted to look into getting one of those belly bands to help me fit into all of my pants that are slightly too small still. I’ve refused to buy any new pants that are larger than size 6. So off to Target I went at 9:15pm.

It was nice to be chatting on the phone with my sister and strolling through the store in complete freedom and independence. I got snacks, sweets, gum, and the BeBand. I pretty much got carried away with the time. And the next thing you know I heard some announcement about the store closing. So I got off the phone and headed over to check out. But none of the registers were open. I momentarily panicked as I realized I was the only customer in the whole store AND they had already locked up the store! One guy spotted me and said,”We didn’t know you were in here! But we can open a register for you.” Apparently the announcement was for store employees! Whoops! I thanked him and he asked another lady to check me out. So, she reopened the register and as she began scanning my items, all of the employees congregated by that register…it seemed like they were going to have some sort of meeting or something. Then, my worst nightmare occurred.

Before she was done scanning all of my stuff I went into my bag to get my wallet. No wallet. My palms became sweaty and I felt myself turning red. Inside I was panicking. I kept looking and looking. Not only did I not have my wallet, I was the last customer in the store and the store had already closed like 10 minutes ago and they were all waiting on me! All of the employees were staring at me and I didn’t know what to do.

Then, I spotted the hula cash. It wouldn’t cover everything, but I just handed it to the lady to buy some time. THEN, I spotted Justin’s wallet. I knew he was poor but after paying half of the bill with the hula cash, I figured he should have enough money to cover me. No cash in his wallet. Only a couple credit cards and his debit card. I told the lady I had to make a phone call. I wanted to make sure this transaction wouldn’t result in any overdraft fees for my bro. If so, I’d have to go through the embarrassment of choosing which items I could afford and which ones to return…They’d most likely have to redo the transaction all over again and they wouldn’t be too pleased. I tried calling Justin but no answer. Of course. Now the group of employees were starting to get impatient. So, I just grabbed Justin’s bank debit card and swiped hoping it’d go through and that they wouldn’t ask for ID. It did and I zoomed out of there. I was the last car in the parking lot.

The morals of this story are simple but multitudinous:
1. Bring your cell phone while driving.
2. In Michigan, keep in mind that there is always construction on all major freeways.
3. Don’t let your gas level get too low.
4. Remember to keep your wallet with you at all times.
5. Sometimes it helps to have an extra wallet handy.
6. Even if you forget these things, a little hula cash can save the day!


I did end up getting in touch with Justin later that night and the card that I used was fine. In fact, now that I think about it, I haven’t paid him back yet. I’ll have to do that when we get back…