I Have Decided

This post is dedicated to my sister (family doc) and sister-in-law (pediatrician) who have helped me make many of my decisions.  Thank you for being patient with me in answering my questions and concerns.  I feel so blessed!

Since our firstborn came along, I was faced with something I’ve never, ever had to deal with before.  Although I had read close to a dozen books on parenting, the gravity of it didn’t sink in until he came along.  I, all of a sudden, had to make every decision for my baby.  It truly felt as though the destiny of my children rested in my hands.

There were many aspects of this that were quite easy.  We already had a name for him.  We had read Adventist Home & Child Guidance several times through.  We were willing to do anything to first and foremost ensure his salvation, but then after that things got a little blurry.  The decisions got more and more difficult to make.

Circumcise or no?  Should we get the no-chemical diapers?  Which is better: binky or thumb?  Do we want to get them vaccinated?  Homemade baby food or store-bought?  Should we go organic?  Are fluoride drops safe?  Allow any TV or videos?  Should we get a babysitter?  Toys during church or no?  Is giving Benadryl on a long plane ride drug abuse? …and the list goes on and on.

There is a lot of hype going around about many baby-related things.  I remember being so overwhelmed by having to decide all of these things for my child, particularly when you have so many women peers bringing up these issues with a determination to convert you.  There is a super-sensitivity that parents have when it comes to how to properly raise your babies…actually, I’d say a more accurate word is anxiety.  And it never did help that the first thing many turned to to get our information was the Internet and all of the “research” out there.  Our protective instincts seem to assume that the world is out to get our babies and do them harm and only an elite few have the honest answers.  (Maybe it’s just an Adventist thing.)  It’s like we’re out to find “new truth”.  It’s amazing how easily we are drawn to conspiracy theories risking much for the slight chance that it may be true.  I know, because in the past 4 years, I’ve gone through all the extremes and back again and sometimes again…even if it was just in the dark recesses of my mind.  It can be quite torturing. 

Well, I have made my decision:          

I have decided to follow the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, and yes, the doctors in my life.  No more Internet perusing or believing those news headlines.  I’m so thankful that God has blessed us with so many intelligent, faithful doctors in our sphere whom we can call at any time.  Unless there is proven research on a topic that has the attention of the medical community, I am going to take these “concerns” or “developments” with a grain of salt.  I am no longer going to stress nor engage in these issues that a loud few are so passionate about.  I’m sure they are very sincere and they may have some evidence, but it’s not going to be something I turn into a salvational issue. 

In our day and age, technology has definitely increased knowledge.  But this has opened up so many doors for devil’s rabbits.  (Colporteurs were here last week so I thought I’d use that analogy in honor of them…what a waste of time!  🙂  I don’t want to fall into that trap of fear and paranoia again.  I know God doesn’t want me to live like that.  It takes faith to believe that these negotiable decisions are not what determines God’s ultimate will for our children.  He hasn’t designed motherhood to be so challenging that we are spending hours upon hours on a decision that may have minimal effect on our kids’ lives.  We have more important things to focus on.  I believe we must move on.

So, here’s to a new life of human effort combined with divine power and a faith that cannot be moved.  Our best, however sorry that may be, is enough to beckon God’s grace.  He is strong enough to cover and even reverse our weaknesses and failings.  It’s a miracle that only God can perform and it makes me feel free.

“Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you FAULTLESS before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy…” Jude 24

Family Camp 2010

Last week, we had the privilege of going to Camp Au Sable for family camp.  Thanks to a tip from Stephanie, , Israel was asked to be camp pastor for that week so we were able to enjoy what the camp had to offer…which was much, much more than what we had imagined!  This was a first for our whole family since none of us had ever been “campers” before.  From swimming at the water front to listening for the bugle that called us to meals, the boys had a wonderful time.  The boys went to “Kids Kamp” for ages 0-7, in the mornings, which was a good & educational experience for them.  They had activities like visiting the fire station, going to Hartwick Pines, going inside an ambulance, and lots of playing.  Micah was nervous at first, but after some coaxing from his big brother, they decided to go together.  That gave me a chance to join the basket-making class and for Israel to get some work done.  We’re looking forward to when the boys are old enough to participate in more classes/activities and really take advantage of camp!  Here are some pictures from the week at camp:

Our usual place to eat meals

Manu braved the climbing wall and almost made it to the top

Boys at the water front.  Swimming was definitely one of the highlights for the boys.

Walking home after a volleyball game.  It was crazy because both Israel’s and my team made it to the championship game.  But my team decided to let the pastor’s team win.  We figured it’s common courtesy.

On the trail back to Forest Lodge.  Manu and I had many “races” to and from the lodge.

Their favorite teacher from Kids Kamp, Auntie Christine.  She was the reason they kept going back!

These are the 2 baskets I made in my class.  The one on the left was for Micah and the other one for Manu.

Manu next to our over-traveled vehicle.  PS:  Someone during MI campmeeting stole our UP sticker!  If anyone has any leads on this, please let us know.

Bentley (& Alanna ) held the fort back home and took care of the group of colporteurs that stayed at our place for the week.  He was happy to have his new buddy, Giggles, keep him company.  It was a gift from Manu right before we left.

And lastly, here’s a little video of Manu on the swing there at High Adventure.  I was nervous because he was apprehensive before going, but afterwards, he wanted to go again…higher.

Camp Au Sable is definitely a blessing and we’re even more thankful for their dedication and ministry.