Everyone Deserves to be Loved

It is one of those rare moments when my entire family is napping.  Yes, all 3 boys, Israel, and even Bentley and the cats.  The snow is pouring outside and everywhere you look outside is white.  It’s Valentine’s Day, 2010.  I’ve been doing a lot of personal reflecting on Christ’s life, on human life, and on love. 

Many children are not blessed with growing up with both parents.  Many children are not raised by godly parents.  Many children don’t have true Christian friends or role models.  And many children are disappointed.

Many people are never able to live up to the expectations others have set for them.  Many people have failed at what they consider the most important things in life.  Many people are hurt by others.  And many people have lost those closest to them. 

So, many give up on life.

But what if they knew that Someone believed in them?  What if they knew that Someone could fill in the gaps that their family, friends, and/or churches left?  What if they knew that Someone could forgive them and help them change?  If only they knew that Someone loved them more than anyone in this world could.

So, on this Valentine’s Day, know that God loves you more than you’ll ever need to be loved.  His grace is sufficient.  And let’s share that love with those around us – to the annoying, to the angry, to the misfits, to the lonely…to those who need to know.  

I want to know how much God loves me.  I need to know so I can change.  I’ve realized that part of being a Christian means finding healing from who we are and who others have made us.  Before it is too late, will you be made whole?

**  This post is dedicated to my late cousin.  He was loved more than we know.  **