My 2009 Check-List : The Final Evaluation

Back on Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 8:24pm, I created this list on Facebook.  Now that today is the last day of 2009, I’ve decided to do a self-evaluation and look forward to new goals for the new year.

10. Find a hairstyle that I really like and find a hairdresser that can make it happen. 
– I’ve found an awesome hair salon called NV Salon.  I have a great hairstylist.  I think the current hair style that I have is a keeper…at least for a while.  🙂

9. Not gain more than 35lbs during this pregnancy. (Never been done before.) 
– Totally saved by Grace.  I had an OB appointment on Dec. 10 and I was weighed.  I had gained a total of 34 lbs.  I went into labor the next evening.  If the baby would have waited until the scheduled c-section over a week later, I’m sure I would have gone over!  Isn’t God so nice??

8. Make it a habit of reading more. 
– I was really doing great on this one.  It’s been more difficult after Ty was born.  It’s been nice though because during feedings (usually at night when I’m all alone) I’ve been able to read the Bible on my iPhone.  It’s great because you don’t need to turn the lights on.  🙂

7. Transform the current office into the new baby room. 
– This was done thanks to my awesome sister who helped me do this when she came to visit.  It is temporarily my mom’s bedroom (-we put a twin bed in there), but once the baby is bigger/older, we’ll relocate him in there with one of the cribs.

6. Develop an exercise routine and stick to it. 
– I wasn’t very successful at this one.  I’m very motivated now that baby is out and I can pretty much hide my fist in my belly.  I am planning on participating in a sprint triathlon relay with Stephanie and Tennille.  I am going to do the running leg which means I need to be able to run a 5k without passing out.  Triathlon is in June.  I’ll need to train as soon as I recover from surgery.  Plus, my sister sent me a bunch of really nice pants that no longer fit her (-they are too big).  They are all size 6.  I have my work cut out for me.     

5. Learn how to cook more healthy, yummy meals. 
– Umm, I kind of progressed on this one.  I did get a vegan crock pot cook book as a gift so I’m excited about that.  I’ve been trying to incorporate more veggies/fruits in every meal so I guess that counts.  I also experimented with carob desserts.  Okay, I need to definitely work on this one – especially if I plan on losing all this weight.

4. Get a massage regularly – since for us, it’s free! 
– I did call – actually Israel called for me – but the massage therapist that we go to didn’t have a massage table for pregnant people.  She said she could give me a massage with me lying on my side, but I wasn’t very keen on that idea.  I’m hoping to take advantage of this this up coming year.  So, technically, I can omit this one, right?

3. Cultivate a deep devotional & prayer life. 
– I’ve had my ups and downs on this one.  I know things will be more difficult now that I’m a bit sleep deprived, but I am determined to find time.  I undeniably know my need of Jesus in my life.

2. Take a nice family picture…(after I get my nice haircut from my nice hairdresser.) 
– We took a nice family picture in October when Israel took our family on a overnight get-away for my birthday.  Now that Ty has joined us, hopefully we’ll be able to take an updated one sometime this year (after I get into shape)!

1. Train Bentley not to bark and go psycho on visitors or passing trucks.  
– Not so much.  The good thing is that it seems the older he gets, the more calm he is becoming.  I’m still hoping that I can accelerate his progress on this and not have to wait until he is retirement age.  Maybe I can turn this one over to Israel…

This new year, I’d like it to be a year of overall self-improvement.  Not that in the past, I haven’t wanted to improve myself.  But the past few years I have realized that I’ve focused more on taking care of my family needs than on my personal well-being.  But it is starting to take its toll.  I’d like to redeem some of my personal time with the Lord, and also my identity as His servant and His child.  I’m convinced that this is the only way I can make my family happy and to truly raise my boys in the ways of the Lord.  I will need God’s help! 

It is my prayer that this new year will bring our family closer to Christ and that much closer to His soon return.  Happy New Year!