
At around 5am, I heard a calm and soft voice calling my name. Still drowsy, I responded to Judy and she said, “I’m having contractions.” I quickly woke up and my natural doctor instincts kicked in. I asked if they were regular and how far apart they were. When she told me that they were five minutes apart I knew I had to do the responsible thing and call back-up. I said “Let’s go right now” (to the hospital). She called the hospital to see if we should come in and they said we should. Judy jumped in the shower and I notified Daniel that he should preach. We contacted Grandma Karen and she was willing to babysit Manu and Micah.

Since the baby wasn’t due for another two weeks, I didn’t want to get my hopes up. The scheduled C-Section was set for the 21st — a week before the actual due date. When we got to the hospital, the nurse checked her out and said that for sure she was going to deliver that day. Things started to get exciting. The boys went to Grandma Karen’s house and I stayed back with Judy. The hospital then called the medical staff to come in: Dr. Reyskin, the OB/Gyn was a visiting doc from CT (but originally from Russia) and the pediatrician on call was Dr. Murray, a visiting doc from downstate.

They prepared her for surgery and brought me some scrubs with funky boots. And then I followed the nurse into the OR. The people were really nice! Really, really nice! Judy did a great job and I saw, for the first time, the ACTUAL birth of one of my kids. The pediatrician took him for examination and they let me follow right along in the OR as though I was one of the staff. I went back and forth a few times between baby and mom. We took a few pictures. And we thanked God for a safe delivery for both mom and child. I then followed the nurses as they led me and our baby to the room next door for him to be weighed and measured.

After making a few calls to family Judy was brought out and the three of us met in the hall and came into the room where she’s recovering.

The baby’s name is Titus Israel Ramos or “Ty”. It means “honorable” in latin.

The name was chosen in honor of Auntie Julie. It was also chosen because the message of the book of Titus is relevant to our family at this time:

“For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared…
Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us…” (Titus 2:11-14).

The surgery went well and Judy and Ty are resting at the hospital. We expect them to be home by Monday (I was supposed to go on a trip this day!).

We are so thankful for God’s goodness toward us and praise Him for His kindness toward our family.

Here is the birth announcement

Announcing Ty