My 2009 Check-List : The Final Evaluation

Back on Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 8:24pm, I created this list on Facebook.  Now that today is the last day of 2009, I’ve decided to do a self-evaluation and look forward to new goals for the new year.

10. Find a hairstyle that I really like and find a hairdresser that can make it happen. 
– I’ve found an awesome hair salon called NV Salon.  I have a great hairstylist.  I think the current hair style that I have is a keeper…at least for a while.  🙂

9. Not gain more than 35lbs during this pregnancy. (Never been done before.) 
– Totally saved by Grace.  I had an OB appointment on Dec. 10 and I was weighed.  I had gained a total of 34 lbs.  I went into labor the next evening.  If the baby would have waited until the scheduled c-section over a week later, I’m sure I would have gone over!  Isn’t God so nice??

8. Make it a habit of reading more. 
– I was really doing great on this one.  It’s been more difficult after Ty was born.  It’s been nice though because during feedings (usually at night when I’m all alone) I’ve been able to read the Bible on my iPhone.  It’s great because you don’t need to turn the lights on.  🙂

7. Transform the current office into the new baby room. 
– This was done thanks to my awesome sister who helped me do this when she came to visit.  It is temporarily my mom’s bedroom (-we put a twin bed in there), but once the baby is bigger/older, we’ll relocate him in there with one of the cribs.

6. Develop an exercise routine and stick to it. 
– I wasn’t very successful at this one.  I’m very motivated now that baby is out and I can pretty much hide my fist in my belly.  I am planning on participating in a sprint triathlon relay with Stephanie and Tennille.  I am going to do the running leg which means I need to be able to run a 5k without passing out.  Triathlon is in June.  I’ll need to train as soon as I recover from surgery.  Plus, my sister sent me a bunch of really nice pants that no longer fit her (-they are too big).  They are all size 6.  I have my work cut out for me.     

5. Learn how to cook more healthy, yummy meals. 
– Umm, I kind of progressed on this one.  I did get a vegan crock pot cook book as a gift so I’m excited about that.  I’ve been trying to incorporate more veggies/fruits in every meal so I guess that counts.  I also experimented with carob desserts.  Okay, I need to definitely work on this one – especially if I plan on losing all this weight.

4. Get a massage regularly – since for us, it’s free! 
– I did call – actually Israel called for me – but the massage therapist that we go to didn’t have a massage table for pregnant people.  She said she could give me a massage with me lying on my side, but I wasn’t very keen on that idea.  I’m hoping to take advantage of this this up coming year.  So, technically, I can omit this one, right?

3. Cultivate a deep devotional & prayer life. 
– I’ve had my ups and downs on this one.  I know things will be more difficult now that I’m a bit sleep deprived, but I am determined to find time.  I undeniably know my need of Jesus in my life.

2. Take a nice family picture…(after I get my nice haircut from my nice hairdresser.) 
– We took a nice family picture in October when Israel took our family on a overnight get-away for my birthday.  Now that Ty has joined us, hopefully we’ll be able to take an updated one sometime this year (after I get into shape)!

1. Train Bentley not to bark and go psycho on visitors or passing trucks.  
– Not so much.  The good thing is that it seems the older he gets, the more calm he is becoming.  I’m still hoping that I can accelerate his progress on this and not have to wait until he is retirement age.  Maybe I can turn this one over to Israel…

This new year, I’d like it to be a year of overall self-improvement.  Not that in the past, I haven’t wanted to improve myself.  But the past few years I have realized that I’ve focused more on taking care of my family needs than on my personal well-being.  But it is starting to take its toll.  I’d like to redeem some of my personal time with the Lord, and also my identity as His servant and His child.  I’m convinced that this is the only way I can make my family happy and to truly raise my boys in the ways of the Lord.  I will need God’s help! 

It is my prayer that this new year will bring our family closer to Christ and that much closer to His soon return.  Happy New Year!

The Umbilical Cord

So, Ty’s umbilical cord fell off last night.  As I was changing his diaper after a feeding, I noticed that it was gone.  I thought it was a semi-exciting moment, so I called Israel in the room to share the news.  I asked him to help me look for it since it must have fallen in his onesie.  We weren’t able to locate it right away and Israel’s first response was, “Bentley probably ate it.”  I kept searching to which Israel exclaimed, “Who cares, it’s not like we’re going to keep it anyway.” 

I would have let that comment slide were it not for the fact that over 3 years ago, we had a very similar scenario, but our conversation and outcome went very differently. 

When Imanuel’s umbilical cord fell off, it was such a momentous occasion.  It meant that we had properly dried that thing out and we could finally give our son his first bath!  We were so excited.  We looked at each other and asked, “What should we do with the cord?”  It was something that held so much meaning. And the cord was like a piece of him – a piece of us!  We were not sure what to do with that hard, raisin-looking piece of flesh.  So, we kept it on our night stand for a couple of days because we couldn’t stand to just throw it away in the trash…like it didn’t mean anything.  After about a week of it just sitting there, I revisited the cord issue.  I felt we had given it its due respect.  It was time for us to throw it out.  But Israel said no.  He liked it right where it was…sitting and collecting dust on the night stand.  In fact, he liked looking at it so much that he ended up keeping it there for over a month! 

So last night, I reminded Israel of this.  I ended up finding Ty’s cord in his onesie and gave it to Israel.  I asked him if he was sure he didn’t want me to tape it into Ty’s baby book.  We had a really good laugh.

It’s so interesting how much things change from going through the experience of raising your first child to subsequent ones.  I remember when Imanuel was first born, sometimes being moved to tears just thinking about how as each day passed by, I would never be able to relive them.  It saddened me to think that one day, I wouldn’t be able to hold him in my arms or rock him to sleep.  I didn’t want him to change so quickly!

But now that Imanuel is older, it almost seems silly that I thought that way.  While there is something special about remembering the past, in each growing stage of Manu’s life, I love and appreciate him even more.  There are lessons to be learned and we must move on.  I’m so glad he is no longer a newborn! In His wisdom, God has designed us so that in each stage of development, we are meant to grow and be strengthened.  Just as in the Christian experience, we are created to grow more and more into the stature of Christ.  In each stage, we can find completeness in Him.  That is nothing to be sad about.

With Micah and Ty, I have found emotional freedom from trying to hold on to what you can’t.  Each new day brings hope for character development and ultimately hope for salvation.  In the meantime, I am going to enjoy and savor every moment with my boys…because I know time will fly by. 

Israel tossed out Ty’s cord in the trash without a struggle.  He will soon have his first real bath…and a whole series of his “firsts”.  While the excitement isn’t quite the same as for #1, the depth of love starts with each new child where the other kids’ left off.  Ty, you are deeply loved! 

(And just to let you know, no slackers here on filling out the baby books and picture taking!  🙂     

Christmas 2009 at the Ramos’s

On Christmas Eve, Daddy and Manu came back from California and arrived home past 11pm.  We woke everyone up and opened presents.  Lots of special gifts for Grandma from the boys!  We’re so thankful she has come up to help take care of us for the month.

Micah got a new blanket, Manu got a toy baking set, and they both got bath markers and a board game.

Bentley even got a stocking with gifts this year. 

We made carob/coconut crunchies and baked & decorated Christmas cookies in the afternoon.

Manu Claus delivering a Christmas stocking with a special present inside!

Brothers, Micah & Ty

Each year since we got our Christmas tree, we’ve added one ornament.  We started this tradition when Grandma Karen from church gave Micah the first one commemorating his first Christmas in 2007.  Last year, Manu picked out the moose.  This year, we got another one from Grandma Karen for baby Ty’s first Christmas. 

Was it a silent night?

Some of us were up all night!  🙂 

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and truly appreciated God’s gift to us through His Son, Jesus. May we learn to love Him more! 

On the Eve of Christmas

I’m writing now on the very eve of perhaps the most special Christmas ever.  My third baby boy was just born 12 days ago and my precious nephew is finally where he belongs – at home.  Seeing your loved ones hurting is the perhaps the most difficult experience one can go through.  But the Lord has been faithful to us.  He has used such a severe trial to strengthen our family, our friends, our churches, and ultimately our trust and love for Him.  There is no doubt in my mind that Ian Jukes Namm is a special child with a high calling.  And I’m so proud to be his aunt and I’m so proud to call God my Father. 

God bless each of you this holiday season as we remember the greatest sacrifice ever given!

(And this is where I would put a picture of me holding baby Ian.  One day soon.) 

Am I Ready?

The past weeks prior to baby Ty’s surprise arrival were crazy.  I was frantic trying to get all of the last minute preparations made.  Part of the reason was because I was nesting like never before.  The majority part was the fact that Israel was planning on going to California the Monday to Wednesday (Dec. 14-16) before my schedule c-section (Dec. 21).  I wanted everything ready before he left so that when he came back, we would be ready to go.  I wanted the house clean and I had an enormous check-list.  The baby room was temporarily transformed into my mom’s bedroom for the month she would be staying with us, I had scheduled an appointment for our furniture to be professionally steam-cleaned, Micah and I had our doc appointments taken care of, I dropped off a few large bags of miscellaneous items to Good Will, I bought last minute baby necessities, I loaded the freezer with food from our Schwan man (in case we got stranded by a winter storm), extra wood was stocked in the house, our bedroom was transformed into a temporary baby room, and my bag for the hospital stay was packed.  Physically, our house was pretty much ready. 

Last Friday, Dec. 11, I had finished tidying up the kitchen and I crawled into bed.  I sat there debating whether I should read or if I should work on the baby book.  I decided to work on the baby book since I still had to write a letter to the baby.  After all, it was one of the things on my check-list.  I started the letter with “Dearest Baby”.  Immediately the other two letters that I had written to my other boys came to mind.  I had poured out my hearts to unborn Imanuel and unborn Micah expressing how much I loved them and how it is my goal to raise them to love Jesus.  I shared with them how I may fail them, but how I would do my best, by God’s grace to always point them to our Savior who died for them.  And then tears began to well up in my eyes.  I thought of the past few weeks.

While I was physically getting our home ready for the baby’s arrival, spiritually, I was an absolute mess.  From the minute I would wake up to the seconds before going to bed, my mind was consumed with making sure we were cleaning and ready.  Imanuel and Micah were my biggest hindrance to keeping the house clean and getting Israel to do anything helpful was impossible.  My temper was short and my patience was somewhere on vacation far, far away.  I must admit that each night that week, before going to bed, it was very difficult to even pray.  I would keep it pretty generic so conviction wouldn’t fully set in.  I kept rationalizing and thinking that if I could just get everything done or make good progress, I would be happier.  If the kids just helped pick up their toys or if Micah would stop throwing any and all objects down the stairs, I would have time to play with them.  If Israel would help, at least with his chores, then I wouldn’t feel so exhausted all the time and would have time for devotions.  I was angry and bitter and hated it.  With this frame of mind – still quite fresh I assure you – what was I supposed to write to this new baby?  Could I honestly write that my deepest desire is to be a godly mother?  That I would do my best to raise him to love the Lord?  Every sentence I wrote took a lot of faith.  Finally, I couldn’t handle it any longer.   

With tears streaming down my face, I spoke to the Lord.  I cried out to Him in utter despair.  The thought kept going through my mind over and over again, “How can I possibly raise another child when I’ve already failed You so miserably?” 

I experienced a true repentance that I haven’t felt in a long time…and it wasn’t a good feeling.  Then, I felt a deep need for forgiveness.  Primarily from my poor husband.  I went to the bathroom to wash my face and marched into the living room where he was preparing for his sermon.  I could barely get the words out, “Israel, I just wanted to say…” and I got all choked up.  It wasn’t graceful nor pretty.  First of all, he thought something horrible had happened so he was all concerned.  Then I finally blurted out that I wanted to say sorry for treating him so horribly.  He ended up smiling out of relief and giving me a hug.  I told him what had happened as I was sitting in bed trying to write my letter to baby #3.  He gladly forgave me and assured me that I was still the best wife and mother in the whole world.  I don’t even try to argue with him anymore about that. 

I went back to the room so Israel could finish preparing and I spoke some more with Jesus.  I told Him that I honestly felt there was no way I could possibly be ready for this child to come, nor did I even feel worthy.  I had been faithful in getting “ready” for a child from a purely human perspective, but I hadn’t been faithful at preparing myself spiritually for the challenges ahead.  I needed more time.  Good thing I had over a week.  “Lord, I cannot do this on my own.  I proved that this past week.  I’m nowhere NEAR ready.  I need Your ever-present help every moment of every single day!”

And that night, I went into labor.  As I was timing the contractions, I spoke with the Lord.  I couldn’t believe this was happening and I honestly thought they would stop.  But with an overwhelming impression, the Lord spoke to me saying, “Judy, now you are ready.”

At around 5am, with a soft, calm voice, I called Israel’s name. 

Titus Israel Ramos was about to make his entrance into the world and I couldn’t be happier.


At around 5am, I heard a calm and soft voice calling my name. Still drowsy, I responded to Judy and she said, “I’m having contractions.” I quickly woke up and my natural doctor instincts kicked in. I asked if they were regular and how far apart they were. When she told me that they were five minutes apart I knew I had to do the responsible thing and call back-up. I said “Let’s go right now” (to the hospital). She called the hospital to see if we should come in and they said we should. Judy jumped in the shower and I notified Daniel that he should preach. We contacted Grandma Karen and she was willing to babysit Manu and Micah.

Since the baby wasn’t due for another two weeks, I didn’t want to get my hopes up. The scheduled C-Section was set for the 21st — a week before the actual due date. When we got to the hospital, the nurse checked her out and said that for sure she was going to deliver that day. Things started to get exciting. The boys went to Grandma Karen’s house and I stayed back with Judy. The hospital then called the medical staff to come in: Dr. Reyskin, the OB/Gyn was a visiting doc from CT (but originally from Russia) and the pediatrician on call was Dr. Murray, a visiting doc from downstate.

They prepared her for surgery and brought me some scrubs with funky boots. And then I followed the nurse into the OR. The people were really nice! Really, really nice! Judy did a great job and I saw, for the first time, the ACTUAL birth of one of my kids. The pediatrician took him for examination and they let me follow right along in the OR as though I was one of the staff. I went back and forth a few times between baby and mom. We took a few pictures. And we thanked God for a safe delivery for both mom and child. I then followed the nurses as they led me and our baby to the room next door for him to be weighed and measured.

After making a few calls to family Judy was brought out and the three of us met in the hall and came into the room where she’s recovering.

The baby’s name is Titus Israel Ramos or “Ty”. It means “honorable” in latin.

The name was chosen in honor of Auntie Julie. It was also chosen because the message of the book of Titus is relevant to our family at this time:

“For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared…
Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us…” (Titus 2:11-14).

The surgery went well and Judy and Ty are resting at the hospital. We expect them to be home by Monday (I was supposed to go on a trip this day!).

We are so thankful for God’s goodness toward us and praise Him for His kindness toward our family.

Here is the birth announcement

Announcing Ty