A Morning to Remember

In the morning, Micah had been whining quietly for some time.  He wasn’t in a good mood.  Usually we are summoned by a cheerful, “MAMA!  MAAAAAAAAAMA!”  This morning, it was a series of whimpers and cries.  Yeah, there were a few “mamas” here and there, but he seemed so grumpy that I was hesitant to let him out thinking he may fall back asleep.  I waited a while and then I decided to go get him.  I knocked and he answered with a weak, “COME IN!” 

As I entered, there was a horrible stench.  He obviously had a messy diaper.  As I neared Micah’s crib, he was in the corner of his crib sitting down.  Usually he is standing and waiting for me to get him.  Then I noticed that there were stains all over his sheets and blanket.  Then I realize that it is brown.  Then I realize that there is brown stuff COVERING both hands, his clothes, and part of his face & hair.  I’m not even exaggerating, it looked like he had just played in a big, gloppy mud pile.  There was poop everywhere.  The sheer quantity of it all was outrageous.  I was beyond myself.  I was in shock.  I’m surprised I didn’t go into labor right then and there. 

I yelled to Israel for back-up.  I was afraid he had ingested some too.  I told Israel to take off his clothes as I ran off to started the bath water.  After stripping our poor child down, I stood him in the tub and began rinsing him off.  It took about 15 minutes to remove all of the brown stuff from his whole body.  Then, I plugged the tub and had him sit down for a bubble bath.  (Their bubble bath is scented like grapefruit so it helped the overall smell of the bathroom while at the same time, lifting his spirits.)  In the meantime, Israel hand-scrubbed the poopie clothes, blankets, sheets, and mattress protector and then threw them in the washer for a pre-wash, wash, and then extra rinse.    

The most pathetic part of the whole ordeal was that while I was washing him off with the warm water, he kept saying in between whimpers, “Thank you, Mama…thank you.”  The poor boy – I wish I would have gotten him sooner.

The moral of this story is to never feed Micah homemade soup – complete with squash, corn, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, and vegetable “mandoo” – for lunch AND dinner with grapefruit for dessert.  I don’t know why we didn’t see it coming.  This was the worst disaster ever.  It beats the Eucerin episode by a landslide.