White As Snow

It was quite a sight.  We woke up on Sabbath morning and we were excited to see that there was a thin layer of frost covering our yard.  An hour later after I fed the boys breakfast, snow began to fall…and fall and fall and fall!  It hasn’t snowed this early since we moved up here over 3 years ago.  I took some pictures and a video of it with my new camera so I could share it with Israel who is down in Tennessee now.  Imanuel was very excited to see the snow.  Micah was more in a state of shock if anything.  I don’t think he remembers snow from last year!

As it snowed, I tried to think of a way to make a connection to spiritual things.  After all, it seemed like quite a magical moment for the boys…almost surreal.  I quoted Psalm 51:7:

“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;  Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.”

As I explained that Jesus can take our “dirty” hearts and make them clean, Imanuel listened intently.  Then he said, “It’s like our hearts are hard, but Jesus can make them soft again!”  I was so surprised by this comment because I don’t recall the last time we talked about that.  But our short worship made a strong impression on me.  It helped me realize my need for a new beginning.  Going through the day to day grind, I found myself getting a little more impatient, a little more unforgiving, and a little less sensitive.  I re-dedicated myself to Jesus that day.  Just as a new season is beginning here in the U.P. I decided to once again give my heart over to Jesus for a good cleansing and softening.  White like snow!  What incredible forgiveness! 

So, there you have it.  Our first snow fall of the season on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at approximately 9:30am!

This pic was taken yesterday afternoon.  Yesterday also marked the first day I let Bentley out to go potty and he took a few steps out, peed on the snow on the deck, and ran back in.    A clear indication that indeed, winter is here!  I’m so thankful we have warm, toasty house to live in.  But more importantly than that, I pray our home will be a place where Jesus always resides.