Our Trip to Grand Cayman

Rarely do I get a chance to go on a business trip with my whole family.  So I was excited to be able to bring them all along with me to Grand Cayman (of all places!).  The greater blessing of the trip was that this one happened to be longer than my usual long weekend trips, so we were able to enjoy some good family time.  Our whole family is indebted to Pastor Jeff Akenberger of the Midland, MI district for facilitating it all.

The purpose of the trip was multifaceted: (1) to hold youth revival and evangelistic meetings, (2) to meet with conference and union officials to develop a strategy for a GYC in the islands, and (3) to visit Adventist and non-Adventist secondary schools to talk about challenges being faced: peer pressure, excellence, sexual abuse, etc.

Pastors Dixon and Blythe, conference and union youth directors, respectively, were also with us for most of the time.

During the mornings, we visited schools.  Jeff and Daniel Jean-Francois (CAMPUS Chaplain at Michigan Tech) gave talks to the young people.  Scott Bennett was the singer and we made good use of him — he sang his head off!  Evening messages were divided between Jeff and myself, with Daniel and Judy giving talks on relationships before each sermon. 

The highlight of the evening meetings for me was when someone walked in from the streets and made a decision to get baptized!  The meetings were held in a tent right outside the church.  People who would walk by the church on their way to running errands could hear the messages.  I remember seeing two gentlemen walking by and stopping to listen.  Usually, people would listen for a few minutes and then walk on.  When these two walked away, I thought they’d continue on their errands, but they came around the wall that separated the church lot from the street sidewalk, walked to the front of the tent, and sat down.  During the following evening’s appeal, one of them made a decision to study and join the church!

The trip was among the best I’ve been on, and I was thankful for the opportunity to serve.  Here are some pics.

Me getting the boys ready, while Judy (family photographer) ensures that our camera is working and ready to go!  The boys had to get used to wearing little clothes.  In order to prevent sudden shock, we had to get them accustomed to this change in the familiar environment of their natural habitat. 

Our arrival to Grand Cayman.  BTW, we hate Delta Airlines.  Just had to get that off my chest. 

The boys are happy to discover that the new world has a much warmer climate!  It SNOWED at home the day before we left. 

The team, minus Judy (the team photographer). 

Judy getting ready for her talks based on Adventist Home.

Jeff and Daniel eating breakfast

Scott singing Jeff’s favorite song: “Watch the Lamb” during the Sunday concert. 

The Union Youth Director came in from Jamaica. 

The Conference Youth Director and his family.  Awesome hosts and great Christians!

Sometimes, in the mornings we would go out to the beach and swim for a couple of hours during our free time.  Micah loves the water, but got really scared with the waves and was traumatized for a long time.  He is now okay with taking tubbies again.

To cope with his trauma he acted as though he wanted to play the sand, but in reality was eating it!  Sneaky little guy!
Decided to take a family picture.  We missed Daniel Mendez and Stephanie Quick, our two favorite family photographers!

Trying to go for round two.  But it didn’t work.

So we decided to teach Daniel how to swim.  Here he is mastering Lesson #1: Learn how to float

He was so excited to pass with flying colors that he didn’t notice the bunny ears Jeff was giving him. 

The stingray looking thing in the water is Daniel.  Micah made a friend whose name was Emma!  There she is sitting next to him, ready to protect. 

We ate at an Italian restaurant.

Micah is not ready to hear his daddy preach every night!  Once a week is already too much! 

On Sabbath, we were pleasantly surprised to see that Jukes and Aileen decided to take a last-minute vacation to the Grand Cayman.  It was so awesome to see them there.  We got to spend some nice time with them.  Uncle Jukes is Manu’s favorite uncle, even though Auntie Aileen always feeds Manu.  Micah, however, melts everytime he sees his Auntie Aileen.

For fun, we visited Stingray City, a turtle farm, and a Dolphin Discovery that was owned by Adventist businessman Gene Thompson.

Daniel picking up Big Daddy.  His shell weighs more than 300 lbs. 

Manu was afraid to touch the turtles at first, but then he wouldn’t let them go.

Micah is not petting the turtle.  He’s examining its texture to see if the standards of edibility are good enough for him.

Since they weren’t, he converted to veggieism

Getting ready for the dolphins. 

Manu reflecting on his experience with the dolphins.  He had some regrets.  When the dolphin came to get a kiss, he replied “I don’t want to kiss him, he should kiss me!”

For two of the days, we took a few hours of family time and got a hotel.    

More swimming for Manu, that’s all he likes to do at this point.

Micah is excited for the night’s menu

Evidence that I used to model and still have it in me 

Sun setting for romance

Me ordering room service

Manu taking swimming to the bathtub

For the record, as soon as the food arrived, I had to go preach.  When I got home, they were all asleep and the food was all gone! 


The End. 

A Beary Special Treat

Yesterday, I awakened to Israel frantically calling for me saying, “Judy! Judy! Come over here quick! There’s a bear!” It was the quickest I had gotten out of bed in a long time but it was well worth it. There was a black bear wandering around in our backyard! It was so cute and I felt like running out there to give it a hug or to help it find some food, but my better judgment helped me refrain. Manu really enjoyed watching it too. We got some pictures although it was pretty far away. I have been wanting to see a bear in the U.P. since we moved and I’m thankful that God granted me this little joy…even if it was almost 3 years later. Now the only thing left on my list is a pack of wolves…

Searching for food after a long hibernation.

Israel was whistling at it so it looked at us.

A Rough Week for Micah

This week, Micah has gone through so much.  I feel so sorry for him.  I will not go into details, but he had a very traumatic experience, he’s had to go to the hospital twice, he’s on antibiotics, he had to get a lead/iron test and 6 vaccines (in the same visit – 1 on each arm and 2 on each thigh), he has diarrhea (-I think from the medication), and this all happened without his daddy and brother around.  Lucky me. 

I felt so sorry for him on the way home from his doctor’s appointment today so I took him out to eat at Quiznos.  I thought I’d officially make it a “first date” tradition.  (I wrote a post on my first date with Manu way back before Micah was born.  It was actually at about the same age.  We went to Quiznos.)  It was nice.  He only wanted to eat the Baked Lays and the cookie…oh, and lots of juice.  He was so giddy off of the raspberry lemonade that he would just look at the other customers and giggle.  Anyway, he just looks so pathetic.  But he is holding up strong. 

We have one bit of good news.  His height percentile has surpassed his weight percentile!  He is no longer “overweight”!  🙂  His height is 75% and weight is 60%.  I think walking has really slimmed him down.  Yay for Micah!! 

He is starting to talk a lot more and really express himself.  His fav sentence by far is “More, Mama.”  He’ll repeat this over and over to anyone who has something he wants.  Well, he’s obviously talking to me, but he wants me to give him whatever that person has.  He likes to pretend he’s talking on the phone (with any object that he can put to his ear).  He’ll babble and then say, “Buh-Bye!”  He enjoys telling Bentley “No” or “Down” when he is trying to steal his food.  Then he gives in and feeds him some anyway.  Oh, and his new favorite instrument during Sabbath worship is the kazoo.  With Micah on the kazoo and Manu on the harmonica, worships can get quite lively…with me singing solo.  It’s lots of fun, though.  Micah is super-silly.  We thought Manu was silly…but Micah far surpasses him, particularly with is cheesy laugh and fake babble.  And of course, he is a monkey and copies everything his brother does. 

As I speak, Israel, Manu and Uncle Daniel are on their way home from the CAMPUS year-end meeting.  It has been 3 days since they left us.  Micah and I have truly bonded these past few days.  I’m thankful for the quality time we were able to have together.  I’m also glad that the Lord watched over us and kept us safe.  He always seems to give me strength in due season.  Well, the weather is warming up and in a funny way, I feel as though a new chapter of our lives is beginning.  At the same time, I feel like I have no idea what I’m writing about.  Anyway, that’s all I want to share.  I think I need a nap… 

Micah after I buzzed his hair for the first time.  🙂