Our Little Miracle

This past Friday, the Lord gave us a little miracle. 

It was a crazy day because I was frantically trying to clean our house, cook dinner, and get us ready for the Sabbath, in general.  A turn of events found us in the boys’ bedroom where I was changing Micah’s diaper and Imanuel was crying because he just had a little accident where he hurt his leg.  It felt better as we were walking out of the room, but as I swung the door shut, I didn’t realize that Imanuel had his fingers in the crack of the door where the hinges are.  I literally heard a crunch.  I immediately swung the door open and pulled his finger out.  He had never cried like this before.  It was one of those silent cries where he didn’t breathe for about a minute but his face was contorted to form the most pitiful, pained look.  I tried hugging him, but his body was frozen and stiff.  Needless to say, he was in some serious pain and I felt so terrible.  After about 5 minutes of crying and whimpering, he calmed down enough to let me know that his finger hurt.  Then he went on to ask, “Why did you close the door and hurt me?”  And then he started balling again.  Yes, I felt horrible.  Anyway, I explained that it was an accident and he knew that.  His finger was blue and majorly dented where the edge of the door pinched his finger against the wall.  He was sitting on our green couch when he looked at me and said,

“Mama, I want to pray and ask Jesus to heal me.” 

I told him that that was a GREAT idea.  So, I asked him to pray and he did.  It went something to this effect: 

“Dear God, Please help my finger to feel better and heal me.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen”. 

I had wrapped a little bandage around it, but right after we prayed, I decided to take that off and I asked him if he wanted a bandaid.  I took off the bandage and looked at his finger (-it was primarily his pointer finger that got pinched).  Then I momentarily got confused because I didn’t see the bruise or the dent.  So, I got his other hand and looked at that finger.  Manu was like,

“It was this finger.  It doesn’t hurt anymore.” 

He started wiggling it and moving it around.  I touched it and asked if it hurt and he said “no”.  I think I was more shocked than him.  Anyway, I kept looking at his finger over and over again and touching and pressing here and there in disbelief.  I was so surprised and said, “Your finger is better!!”  Then Imanuel exclaimed, “I want to pray again and say ‘Thank You’ to Jesus!”  I agreed that that would be a good idea.  He prayed and thanked Jesus and said that He was “so nice” to heal his finger! 

I must admit that after this whole ordeal, I began to doubt this miracle.  I was rationalizing. 

Babies and little kids have super-quick and efficient immune systems.  Little cuts and bruises heal so quickly!  Maybe that’s why it went away so fast…etc.etc  But I’m so glad that Imanuel thinks it was Jesus!

As if God was trying to prove Himself, Imanuel got hurt a couple hours later.  He bit himself on his fingernail.  He was crying and crying again.  It was a little red.  I immediately suggest that we pray since that worked last time.  So, I prayed for his little finger.  After I said, “Amen”, I asked if his finger felt better.  He said, “no” and continued to say that it still hurts and that he needs a bandaid.  It hurt for the next 10 minutes and he wouldn’t stop whining about it. 

Sometimes I believe God must get so frustrated with my unbelief and hypocrisy.  He knew that often when I pray with my kids to “help” them with a problem, (or even to thank Him for that matter!) it is more of a lesson to teach this “good habit” as opposed to really believing that even at this young age, God could truly answer any petition we ask Him and that He is our Lord who is beyond worthy of our worship.   

I’m so thankful for this experience for my son & for myself.  There is no doubt in my mind that Imanuel believes with his whole heart that Jesus healed his finger because He is “so nice” AND that He is able and willing to help us.  And now I believe it too.  I was so rebuked by this experience.  God truly does care.  He wants to reveal Himself to us.  He is just asking for a simple, child-like faith. 

Prayer is such a privilege and I hope to never take it for granted again.

Another Sabbath is Here

 After a tiresome week of traveling (-driving down to Lansing, meetings, visiting, & driving back up), we arrived back home and are adjusting back to normal life.  Traveling always has a way of throwing things off when it comes to parenting.  Not only does it mess up the daily routine/schedule, but it always leaves opportunity experiences that make character building challenging.  I must add that often times new experiences and influences greatly benefit children.  But outside of the safety and protection of home, you never know what will come up.  It takes a lot of wisdom and patience to discern what you should/shouldn’t do.  I think I could write forever on this topic since we do so much traveling, but I’ll refrain for now.  Let’s just say that I’m glad to be home where Imanuel’s bed which is easily accessible when it’s obviously nap time and with Micah’s toys so he is content to play on his own…for the most part. 

I think I can officially say that he can walk, but half of the time he wants to hold my hand and a quarter of the time he still crawls.  So, we’re almost there.

We got home on Tuesday afternoon and on Thursday (-yesterday), we found ourselves driving Israel to the airport for another trip.  He is in Germany for ATS Youth.  What a lucky duck.  I sometimes wish he had a video camera attached to his forehead that was always on “record” so we could share in his experiences.  That would be preferable to us actually going with him.  I must add that many people often ask me how it is that I manage by myself without Israel when he goes on these trips – taking care of the babies and the pets, keeping the wood stove burning, working for GYC, cooking, cleaning etc. 

The answer is quite simple. 

First of all, Israel always asks my permission to go on a trip.  Now just to make things clear, I’ve never told him “no” except once.  And that was for New in Ministry the week Micah was due (in the middle of winter).  How can I say “no” to God’s calling?  I don’t think I could live with myself.  I also trust his judgment because he has sometimes said “no” himself. 

Secondly, he always offers to fly all of us over when possible (-using airmiles, of course).  I know that is what he really wants.  However, I usually tend to make the head-not-heart decision to stay home.  It’s just so much easier that way. 

And thirdly, I’ve found that in a strange way, him being away occassionally on these trips has actually strengthened our own presonal relationships with God as well as our marriage relationship.  Sometimes we need to be away from each other to truly appreciate them.  And when we’re away from each other, we have more alone time with God.  I think that’s important.  So, while this may sound strange, Israel being gone is often a blessing!   

We often bicker about which is more difficult:  to be the one left at home or to be the one gone on a trip.  I think being left at home is definitely more difficult because you’re at home in your element missing someone in your everyday life.  On the other hand, when you are on a trip and you leave your family at home, you are experiencing a completely different lifestyle/schedule and usually you are busy enough to keep yourself occupied. 

Anyway, to sum it up, it’s difficult and it always will be.  But I think it’s been much more manageable since I’ve realized that God often uses Israel’s trips to reveal Himself more to me AND since Imanuel can talk now and we can actually hold a conversation.  He also is my little helper and is always willing to be there for me (-unless he is napping).     

As Sabbath approaches, our little family traditions make us miss Israel even more.  From Friday dinner to Sabbath family worships, it’s not the same without him.  (And it’s impossible for us to read the Spanish story with any clarity!)  It has been about a month since Micah started partaking* in the Sabbath Roll (-minus the dah-guang: pickled radish).  He can down an entire roll by himself and eat plenty of edamame on the side.  I think that’s his favorite meal for sure.  Imanuel eats 1.5 rolls.  So, for those of you who understand how much this is, when I make the rolls for our family, I have to make 4 cups of rice!  Anyway, it was a good day and I’m glad it is the Sabbath.        

*And speaking of partaking, a couple Sabbaths ago, I forgot it was communion Sabbath and therefore forgot bring an alternative, unblessed, edible distraction for the boys.  Surprisingly, Imanuel didn’t mind not partaking at all.  Praise the Lord!  I think Grandma Karen explained it to him.  Micah on the other hand was a mess.  We had to hide our bread (-“we” meaning me and the two ladies sitting on both sides of me) but when the juice came, it was over.  He kept grunting and lunging for our juices.  Oh, and he did remember to emphatically sign “please” plenty of times.  Next time, I’m sitting in the back.      

Here are some pics that we wanted to share with Daddy of us eating our Sabbath Rolls:

I cut Micah’s rolls skinnier because I knew he would stuff them in his mouth whole.  I caught him once trying to stuff 2 at a time.  When his mouth is filled to capacity, he requests a swig of “Sabbath juice” then swallows it all in one gulp.  I think when he gets older, we’ll sign him up for the veggie hot dog eating contest (-if that exists).  We’ll be rich. 
the Micah and his “kim-bbops”.
Manu ate with his new chopsticks today.  We got complimentary kids’ trainers from P.F. Chang’s (for Tennille’s birthday!) while we were in Lansing. 

Manu demonstrating his skills.

We love Sushi!  🙂

Micah’s Cracker Binge

This morning, Micah called us surprisingly early.  The boys have gotten into a routine where after one wakes up, they wake up their brother and play together for around half an hour.  Then after a while, Micah starts getting thirsty/hungry and so he calls for me.  Very similar to how it was with Imanuel:
“mama…maaaa-ma…Maa-Ma….MAAAA MA!”

Well, this morning, it started off a little differently.  It was about 8:00am (-and since we haven’t adjusted yet to daylight savings, it really was 7:00am – they usually wake up at 8:30am which would now be 9:30am).  I heard movement in their room a little earlier, but not much talking.  Then, for the first time in history, Micah called “da-da….da-da…da-da”  And after about 5 minutes with no response, he finally resorted to “ma-ma”.  I went in there with a cup of soymilk.

I handed him the cup and he started gulping down very rapidly.  And that’s when I saw the crackers.  A bag of Kashi TLC crackers were emptied into Micah’s crib and he had eaten them all except for a few that were under his blankets.  There were crumbs everywhere!  That’s when I remember the box being up on the drawers next to Micah’s crib.  He must have manuevered his stuffed animals to bring the box closer within reach.  Imanuel was still in bed sucking his thumb so I knew he wasn’t the cuprit. 

Needless to say, Micah was thirsty.  Very thirsty.  After drinking that cup of soymilk, he continued on to drink 2 more cups of water. 

*MORAL of the STORY*:  Don’t leave food unattended within Micah’s reach.  He will eat it…all!

Last time I weighed him on our scale, he was pushing 28lbs.  He is such a big eater that this morning Israel and I both agreed that Micah may eat more than Imanuel.  The good news is that Micah is beginning to walk more and more.  He took close to 8 steps this morning to Israel.  This means soon he will be able to run around and burn off those extra calories!  🙂 

He is also beginning to talk more.  Here are some new words/phrases:
– “I love youuuu”
– “Gracias”
– “De nada”
– “Mas”
– “Thank you”
– “Please” – (sign)
– “ka-ka” (crackers)
– “down” (spoken to Bentley at the dinner table)

He loves to talk to the pets…in a very high pitch voice:
– “Awww….puppers!” (talking to Bentley)
– “Awww…..Aroe!” (talking to both cats)

He is turning into quite a silly boy too (-like Imanuel).  Micah has his serious moments still, but he now tries to do funny things to make us laugh!  He really has a sense of humor at such a young age.  He has a little stubborn side too (which has been an object of prayer), but I’m glad that Imanuel has been so patient and easy-going about it.  That has helped to minimize conflict between the two of them. 

More recently I’ve witnessed the both of them playing little games together (initiated by Imanuel).  Usually Imanuel is pretending to be a shepherd with a staff, Micah is his sheep (since he crawls around already) and he follows Imanuel around.  Actually, Imanuel does a lot of trying to get his lamb to follow him too.  But that game can sometimes get dangerous when a robber wolf* “appears” and Imanuel finds it his duty to use his “staff” to “wack and thwack the robber wolf” to scare it away and protect his little lamb.  Othertimes, Imanuel crawls with Micah and they are both wolves, or dogs, or cows etc. etc.  And they just romp around the house together and make each other laugh by doing silly things.     

*From My Bible Friends, “Jabel the Shepherd”.

The boys are growing up too fast.  Their personalities are so different (-almost opposite) that I hope this helps them become best friends as opposed to competitive rivals.  I’m finding that I need Jesus to help me be more patient and to also refocus my life to be in tune with His.  As this world becomes more and more secular and indifferent to spiritual things, I want my sons to be different;  to be solid and bold in the Word;  to binge on the Bread of Life and then quench their thirst on the Water of Life.  And the only way that can happen is if it starts with me.  What a miracle it would take for all of us to make it to the Kingdom.  And Praise the Lord, Jesus was and is that Miracle.    

Happy 3rd Birthday, Imanuel!

On March 4th, we celebrated Imanuel’s 3rd year of life outside of the womb.  Wow, how time flies!  I still vividly remember blogging about how my pregnancy with him was going – how I couldn’t get that taste of bile out of my mouth, how I had barfed frequently (esp. on airplanes), and how I sat at my desk on my last day of teaching and knew that by the next time I came back, I’d finally have been able to see and hold my baby boy!  And just yesterday, he turned 3 years old!  It has been a joy and privilege being able to watch my baby grow. 

When they are babies, even the littlest things bring so much pride to (first-time) parents  – the first roll over, graduating to a bigger diaper size, eating solids, growing teeth, etc.  But as they become toddlers, there is so much more reason to be proud -crawling to walking, speaking words to speaking sentences, learning to share, to saying prayers and asking for forgiveness and the list goes on.  As their character and personality develops, you realize how much deeper a love can grow. 

And as I reflect on these past 3 years, all I can say is that raising Imanuel has truly been sweeter as the days go by.  Now, not to say that all days go “sweetly”.  But the experience has brought greater and yet greater joy.  I don’t wish I could go back in time.  I’ve loved him even more throughout each stage of his development.  And when I just long to go back to the times of having a baby (who can’t talk and talk and talk) I can always go to Micah.  

We had a low-key birthday celebration.  We went to our weekly home school group in the morning, spent the afternoon together as a family, and then we had dinner at Pizza Hut with Grandma Karen.  She never forgets the kids’ birthdays and always gets them such nice presents!  While Imanuel and Micah don’t have their biological grandparents around, they are so blessed to have such loving grandmas and grandpas from church!

We made cupcakes and brought them to share with all of his friends from the home school group.

We came home and Manu opened presents!

Underwear and socks from Mama!  And matching clogs/house slippers for the boys too!

A golf set from Daddy!

He was very happy with his gifts.  In fact, when asked whose gift he liked better, Mama’s or Daddy’s, he said, “I like both!”  He really loves socks. 

I made this mini-cake using 2 mess-kit bowls.  🙂  It was “funfetti” cake as requested by the b-day boy. 
He was so excited to see his cake!  He LOVES strawberries too!
 He blew out all the candles in one try!  Daddy was so proud!  Micah just wanted to eat the cake.

Happy Birthday, Imanuel Alexander Ramos!  We love you sooo much!!