Two “Firsts” for Micah

This weekend was quite eventful.  Micah’s 5th tooth emerged from his upper gums, we went to church, came home, Israel left to go downstate for a meeting on Sunday, students came over to watch “Gifted Hands” and I’ve been chilling with the boys.  Israel comes back tomorrow so I’ve been doing all I can to take advantage of his absence – throwing a party, doing things to the boys that I’ve always wanted to do (ie. cut Micah’s hair!!)…umm….

Pictures were taken before Daddy left for the airport yesterday. 

We miss you, Daddy! 

The first “first” was last night when for supper I decided to sort of initiate Micah into Adventist lifestyle and diet. 

His very first popcorn & smoothie dinner.

Later that evening, I had the students over for more popcorn and we watched “Gifted Hands”.  The kids went to bed, but at least they got to eat the popcorn!  😀

This picture was taken this morning. 

In the afternoon, I gave the boys a bath.  That is one of their favorite things to do.

Micah and his beautiful Mexican skin.

Soaking in some sun before…

I did this while Israel was away in Lansing for a meeting.  Hope he doesn’t find out!  🙂


It wasn’t the most even job, but I did my best. 

Also, I made a few mental notes: 1)  Don’t try to use food as a distraction for child to hold still.  I’m sure Micah ingested quite a few hairs along with the tortilla chips.  2)  Don’t give the bath before the cut, save it for after…or you’ll end up doing it twice, like me. 

So, what do you all think?