The Best Sabbath

This past Sabbath was perhaps one of the greatest ones we’ve ever had – and for sure the best one while in the U.P. There were 2 special baptisms, Sara and Jamie Oger (husband and wife) from the Greenland Church and because Greenland doesn’t have a baptistry, it was decided that it’d be best to have it at Houghton Church. The home school group that we started at L’Anse was going to sing special music at Houghton as well. So, all three churches in our district came to worship together at Houghton. Not only that, Dr. Pipim and the CAMPUS missionaries came up for the week for the Bible Lecture Series that will be held on the campus of Michigan Tech. So, with the baptism, our kids singing special music, our entire church family and many visitors, and our special speaker, Dr. Pipim, it was an inspiring, Spirit-filled church service. Not to mention the awesome potluck and fellowship that followed. I think it can be assumed that it has been several years since our church was that packed! God is doing something in the U.P!
The only down-side is that Israel had (and still has) strep throat.  So, he sounds like the godfather and he’s been on antibiotics for a few days.  Good thing he didn’t have to preach! 

L’Anse Christian Home School Group
In September of last year, we decided to start a home school group at our church in L’Anse. There are two families in that church that are home schooling and there was another home school family with 7 children that we met through our VBS that previous summer. It started off a bit rocky, but the Lord has truly blessed our humble efforts and it has grown to over 20 kids (counting the babies too :)! We meet once a week (on Wednesdays,) for special classes that normal home schoolers cannot take at home. Daniel Jean-Francois leads in Worship/Bible, Israel teaches the Spanish Class, and I teach the Music Class. The kids bring their lunches and in the afternoon it’s either free time for games or there is a science lab. We are all Christians, but only about half of the families are Adventist. God has really opened up doors to reach out and share our message. And it gives me an opportunity to teach again! It’s been very exciting because our kids are the best kids in the world.  It’s almost unreal.  These yooper home school families/kids are amazing!

Here are some pictures from this past Sabbath as well as from our home school group:

Sharing their testimonies.

Jamie Oger ready to enter the watery grave.

Sara Oger publicly giving her life to Christ.

Dr. Pipim preaching, “Alone With God”.

Potluck.  🙂

Manu honking Auntie Alanna’s nose…hard.

Our kids sang, “The Gift Goes On” and did an excellent job!
Some of our girls playing a game at one of our Wednesday meetings.

The little kids always have craft time while the older kids take their classes.  This week (-it was back in September/October) they made bird feeders out of milk cartons.  The birds at our house ate all of the seeds from Manu’s feeder within a few days! 

At Elisabeth’s surprise b-day party!  Laura, Sara, and Casey

Ryan and Vinny – Best Friends. 

Uncle Daniel and Manu having some fun.  🙂

We feel so blessed to be a part of such a faithful group of Christians.  God has been using Daniel in such a mighty way to draw others closer to Christ.  He has been using Alanna to rally our student group together.  And we have been inspired by our faithful church family.  Sometimes it is hard to believe that God could/would want to use us to be a part of His ministry.  What joy it brings!  We hope and pray that God continues to use us to serve Him.

Eucerin Mischief and Micah’s Words

So, a couple nights ago, our friends Carol and Jennifer (students at Tech) were chilling with me.  They are still on break and they were able to spend a lot of time at our place (as they live in Kenya).  It has been such a blessing.  Anyway, on Tuesday night, I had put the kids down and we were chatting in the kitchen. 

* Imanuel had crept out of his room twice already because he had to “go to the bathroom”.  And I put those words in quotations not because he didn’t HAVE to go, but because he would FORCE himself to go…like 5 drops max.  Unlike his brother, he has never fully recovered from jetlag due to our trip to GYC. *

I soon noticed that the lights to the boys’ room was on.  This has NEVER happened before.  And I was quite frustrated because I knew that Micah would now be awake as well.  I opened the door and immediately Imanuel threw something out of the crib (-he had climbed into Micah’s crib…as his custom has been lately), hid his face in his hands and started crying (- a sign of conviction in this case).  And to my horror, Micah, sporting his normal unassuming look, was covered in white stuff.  All I could utter out of my mouth was, “Oh My Goodness.”  The girls ran into the room and gasped. 

I pieced things together.  That day I had bought an $8 jar of Eucerin cream for Micah’s back.  (He has eczema.)  Imanuel must have found it when he decided to switch the lights on.  He was having fun making Micah (and himself) up until I walked in.  (I have a feeling that Imo’s lotion and make-up sessions with me and Uncle Justin inspired him.)  And Micah had no choice but to consent to this.  Both of them remained so quiet the whole time.  Manu had thrown the empty jar on the floor when I walked in.  He found the courage to look up and he too had his hair and face covered with the cream.  It was everywhere – on Micah’s blankets, on their clothes, on the actual crib…etc. 

Needless to say, their heads were so creamy and oily we weren’t sure where to start.  The girls got Micah and started a bath for him.  I had a “talk” with Imanuel and then he too got in the tub.  To give Manu some credit, he mentioned that Micah was already awake and that is why he decided to turn on the lights so they could see while they played.  This was stated after my accusation that he woke Micah up by turning on the lights.     

Anyhow, no matter how much shampoo was used, their hair remained greasy.  Today, two days after the incident and at least 6 shampoos later, there is still a slight oily film in their hair.  So, basically, not only have I wasted an entire new jar of cream, I used up at least a week’s worth of shampoo in 2 days! 
I was quite lucky to find out, after the fact, that Carol and Jennifer thought Micah looked so hilarious they had to take a picture before cleaning him off.  So, here is the calm, laid-back Micah after being woken up from his slumber and slathered with lotion by his brother.  He is held by the lovely Carol.

This following picture was taken the next day.  And just to let you know, their hair is NOT wet.  It’s made me a believer in the power of Eucerin.  It keeps the moisture in and never washes out! 

Manu insisted that Auntie Stephie be in the picture as well.  (We called her to wish her a happy birthday and she’s still on the line).

It is beginning to be a trying time with Imanuel.  Although that was a pretty hilarious experience, I know that now more than ever, I need to beg the Lord to give me wisdom and patience in how to deal with Manu’s mischief.  He just loves to have fun…but sometimes it is at the expense of obedience.  I pray that even now, Imanuel can develop the self-control to follow the rules, even when temptation is lurking at every corner (and from every object!).      

Micah Christian is 13 months…and TALKING.
On a more positive note, Micah is successfully signing:
– “more” – It has taken him a while, but he finally does this one properly!
– “please” – Often times, he ends up rubbing his thighs (or anything else) instead of his chest.
– “all done”
– “give”
– “I want that or I die!” – He made this one up himself.  He pounds on his head with both hands and looks at me intensely when he desperately wants some food item that he sees.  I have no idea where this has come from.

And he proudly utters two words: 
– “Ma-ma” – which ends up more like, “Ma-ma, Ma-ma, Ma-ma, Ma-ma…”
– “Bah-bah” (bye-bye) – And this goes along with frantic waving of his hands or with a phone to his ear.

Micah is such a (big) bundle of joy.  In his own calm manner, he can brighten the darkest night.  We are thrilled with his progress and we hope and pray he continues to develop his own little personality that is graced with the love of Christ.

Micah:  my calm, serious baby

Manu:  my sweet, mischevious boy 

Everyday brings such challenges and joys.  Both drive us to our knees in humility and awe.  Being a parent has been the most ground-breaking experience for me.  It has forced me to understand more of God and who He is and for that I am eternally grateful.  Praise be to God forever and ever!

P.S.  We pray Daddy will come home from Denmark safely tonight!