GYC 2005 is Over!

Wow, I can’t believe GYC is over.  (This is Judy, btw.)  It seemed to go by so quickly.  I didn’t catch many of the meetings nor was I able to attentively listen to many messages since I was backstage with 3ABN, but the little that I was exposed to, was so inspiring.  God really blessed through the speakers/messages and so many people responded to the appeals that were made.  I sense that something huge is going to happen very soon…

On a lighter note, I want to thank Sarah Shim and Daniel McGrath for being the best first-time stage managers in the world.  They are the ones who made the programs run so smoothly.  Israel was telling me yesterday how proud he is of you two.  I hope you guys agree to do it next year! 

It would be nice to actually watch the GYC programs on 3ABN if we had a satellite.  OH WAIT- we DO have a 3ABN satellite!  How could I forget?!?  It’s been sitting in our basement for the past almost 5 months now just waiting to be installed!  Hmm, perhaps “Now is the Time” to get that put up…(I hope Israel reads this soon).     

PS:  Hope everyone has a happy new year!