Another Chance…

A couple weeks ago, we found out that my younger cat, Chance couldn’t pee pee.    We found out he has a genetic disease where he accumulates crystals and stones in his pee area.  He was completely blocked!  He kept squatting and trying to pee all around the house and he’d sit there for a minute or so, but nothing would come out.  He even started moaning.  Israel called the local emergency animal hospital and they told us that if we don’t bring him in soon, he could die.  So, (without insurance, mind you), we took Chance into the pet emergency room.  We had different options that they gave us after the kitty analysis.  We could go with the bare minimum to keep him alive and then take him into our own vet (the cheapest plan), OR, we could go with the platinum treatment, keep him in the ER for 2 days (over-night) with the best possible treatment and pay $2500.  We prayed in the animal ER and then by faith, we went with the cheapest plan, hoping God would preserve His precious creation.  The vet wasn’t too thrilled, nor did she think we were being responsible pet owners.  That was a blow to my pride.  Anyway, they went in and stuck a catheter in his area and flushed out all of the stones/crystals and we took him home the same night.  Then, the next day, we took him in to see our vet.  So after all of that, we had good news and bad news.  I’ll share the bad news first.  Chance has to be on a special prescription diet for the rest of his life so he doesn’t accumulate crystals/stones again.  The good news is that we caught it early on, he’s still alive and with us today, and he gets another “chance”.  Praise God!